Any personal data collected will be held in accordance with our privacy policy
All marketing images, illustrations, plans, and maps are for illustration and indicative purposes only, created to give you a feel for what the development and homes will be like. Home layout may vary from the typical versions, depending on plot number.
As much information and material is being shared as possible, to act as a guide to Maltings Wynd and Dundashill, but there may be things that change before the homes are completed. Any dimensions are just a guide and maps aren’t to scale, plus the travel times and distances are estimates.
Customers should note that any computer-generated images do not necessarily represent the actual finishings/elevation or treatments, furnishings, and fittings at Maltings Wynd. For example, the homes do not have floor finishes to the living spaces.
The website and the Sales Information Pack do not form part of a contract of sale.